Chariots of Fire

If I were a white man, I would be petrified with terror right now. For the Lord of all the heavens and the Earth shall soon be returning. Now, Abraham was a brown man, as were Christ and His disciples, as was Moses, and as were all of the ancient prophets in between. So it stands to reason that the Lord Himself, should He have a race, is likely brown as well. And when He arrives upon this Earth, He will undoubtedly demand an accounting from all regarding how they have treated His brown children, whom He shall name as heirs to His eternal kingdom.

Were I a white man, I would not know how to reply to such a demand. Having spent the last half millennium reaping bounteous rewards from the enslavement, torment, and murder of brown men, women and children the world over, I would be overcome with anticipatory trepidation regarding the mighty judgment which was sure to come crashing down upon my damnable head.

If I were white, and had the slightest modicum of sense whatsoever, I would simply keep my boastful, self-aggrandizing mouth shut, and accept whatever divine punishment the Lord above deemed appropriate. I would not argue my case, nor claim to have a heart of gold, nor try to morally deceive the Almighty. I would simply admit to my people's sins, confess to my complicity in them, and plead for leniency.

Of course, the world over knows that had white men any sense, they would not have mistreated their brown brethren to begin with. So I will hold out very little hope that they will do anything short of declare all out war against the very forces of heaven themselves, daring the Lord Himself to strike them down, which is likely an offer He will gladly take them up on.

Until that day arrives, it is understandable that white men will continue to live with unquenchable fear lodged within their guilty hearts. It is impossible for them to do anything but that, given the insurmountable legacy of anguish and pain they have inherited from their forebears.

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