Take Five

It should be fairly apparent by now that, after a long and quiet hiatus, white fellowship and camaraderie, and with them white racism and bigotry, have returned in full force. Many would argue that both have always been simmering just below the surface of American society, but were largely externalized and directed outwards in foreign wars of aggression, particularly towards the Middle East. But now, with no nations to conquer, white power is returning home. And it is finding new domestic targets.

This re-invigorated movement is largely driven by feelings of alarm. White people have suddenly awakened to a world in which they are steadily losing their plurality, and with it eventually their power. Across the globe, many people with light skin tone are beginning to ask some very desperate questions. Among them are: how do we bolster our ever dwindling numbers? How do we save our race from extinction? And barring our peoples' survival, how do we punish those who will have subverted and destroyed our society?

To begin with, I'm not white, but I can understand what white people are going through, because it has happened to most other civilizations throughout human history. But I also do not think very many white people have stumbled upon any answers to the above questions. Not even their supposedly confident leaders have any clue at this point how to solve their dilemma, and so they are both proposing and implementing very brutal and ultimately counterproductive measures.

My own people are themselves not very great in number, and have been repeatedly decimated and almost destroyed over the course of centuries, but from those crises we have learned many important survival tactics. And with those in mind, I would like to propose some simple things white people can do to save themselves from extinction:

1. Stop fighting so many wars. An estimated 100 million white people died throughout the course of the last two centuries in various conflicts, from the Napoleonic Wars to World Wars I and II. That's 100 million people who were never able to have children, and who have had no descendants. There would be more white people than Chinese and Indians combined if white nations had learned to live in peace and harmony with one another, as well as with the rest of the world.

2. Abolish global poverty. The less money a family has, the more children it tends to have. As white people have most of the wealth in this world, and people of color have almost none, that leaves whites caught in a malthusian-like trap of their own making, as they are steadily out-procreated by everyone else. The only way to stop this is to share enough wealth with the less fortunate peoples of the world that they do not need to rely on having children as a source of income.

3. Close the gender pay gap, and pass more women-friendly laws, such as paid maternity leave during pregnancy. This will create more of an incentive for women to start and maintain families, which are extremely daunting endeavors in the Western World, and will make it less likely they will abandon their men out of protest. Also, introduce a greater social safety net for those who fall out of the workforce, so that they can re-enter it and have a chance at advancement before they become too old to start a family.

4. Tackle corruption, and strengthen the middle class. Countless civilizations over the course of human history have had new life breathed into them through the abolition of the more appalling excesses of human greed. Giving the common man something to strive for will make him much more cooperative when it comes to building a strong and thriving society.

5. In general, work on claiming the moral high-ground, as so many other peoples have done throughout history, instead of appealing to the lowest common denominator. Reward the righteous, and punish the wicked among you. Elect just leaders. Contrary to popular belief, and as I have been personally learning over the years, power and privilege are not very attractive, nor is jingoistic machismo. As Abraham was promised more descendants than there are stars in the heavens, while the cities of the Sodomites were swept from the face of the Earth, so too will your people be either rewarded or punished according to the morality of their works, both individually and collectively.

Do all of these things, and I promise you the white race will not only survive extinction, but will thrive.

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