
I would like to explain something to the readers of this weblog. Principally, why I started it, and why I will continue to contribute to it indefinitely. Because its intention is not to educate the ignorant, nor is it to appeal to conscientiousness, nor to boast or brag about my supposed intellectual prowess or righteousness. No, its aim is far more personal.

You see, for the better part of my years I've been a very quiet person who kept mostly to myself. Many people tried and failed to befriend me, and I would be lying if I were to ascribe to them all or even most of the blame for their failures. In truth, I have never truly wanted companionship, because life has taught me in no uncertain terms how ruthlessly opportunistic the average person can be, and how capable we all are of capitalizing upon the slightest advantage we have over one another.

But my approach to friendship presented a serious problem for me. Mainly, my silent solitude was found to be deeply disturbing to many of those around me. Some grew suspicious and fearful towards me, all of which manifested as hatefulness, for they wanted desperately to know what was going on inside my mind. Was I secretly plotting their demise? Or was I perhaps planning to take over the world? What was my modus operandi, and how much of a threat did I truly pose?

It was to allay such concerns that I first began sharing my thoughts with others. I wanted to convince prying eyes that I was of no concern to them. I struggle with vindictiveness, as does everyone, but I also remain committed to the path of tolerance and understanding among all the people of our world. I seldom catch a glimpse of where that path will lead, but I only know that wherever the destination may be, it cannot be worse than the wilderness of discontent in which so many people, myself included, have often found themselves lost.

If you the reader find what I have to say intriguing, then do not hesitate to indulge yourself in its consumption. Otherwise, I hope you can at the very least come away from these writings with the conviction that I bear no ill will towards the people of our society, nor that I mean them any harm. And so long as there remains a critic out there who suspects me of secretly scheming, I will continue to write, in the hopes that they too can see me not as the bloodthirsty villain they imagine, but as the peaceful man I've always tried to be.

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