On My Way Home


Here is a schematic for a futuristic greenhouse powered entirely by electricity. Being a bit complicated, I will go over it one component at a time.

The solar panels charge batteries, which power the rest of the contraption. Air conditioning ensures the right temperature to optimize plant growth. Meanwhile green light fuels plant photosynthesis.

For irrigation, a dehumidifier runs outside, collecting water for a storage tank, from which water is then pumped to a sprinkler system that provides nourishment to what is being grown.

Calculations for the requisite power as well as cost are provided below:

Dehumidifier:    280W ($40)

Water Pump:    150W ($20)

Green Light:    20W ($15)

Sprinkler:    20W ($10)

A/C:        10W ($100)

Water Tank:    0W ($90)


The total power consumption is 11.5 kWh/day. Assuming a base solar power efficiency of 1.2 kWh/m2/day, about 10 square meters of solar panels will be required, at a cost of $200/m2, totaling $2000.

For the battery, Lithium Iron Phosphate costs approximately $150 per kilowatt hour, totaling $1725 for 11.5 kWh.

Summing all of the above modules together, we reach a grand total of $4000 for the entire system. In exchange, plants can be grown in perpetuity, regardless of weather conditions, and without direct sunlight.

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