To reach my journey's end I asked to be let through
But was told I must pay the devil's due
'Twas no detour around
Nor a gap to be found
Couldn't return from whence I'd come nor start anew
So I asked them how much and to that they replied
That I'd only find out on the day that I died
No more would they say
But to demand that I pay
And be let through their gates or step aside
"Preposterous!" I said, "How can I possibly pay?
If this were a deal I could walk away!
Should I wake from my grave
To the life of a slave
I would rather have died on this very day!"
But they brusquely explained that life is not fair
As they met my gaze with a deathly stare
And that my stubborn demands
And grandiose plans
Were of little use should I languish right there
So here I now stand with my options few
Waiting patiently for what, I wish I knew
Perhaps a decree
From the powers that be
Saving one such as me from the devil's due
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